This Is Us (Podcast)


I Keep My Sex Life Spicy… even after 12 years of marriage!


How I Lost My Virginity (coming soon)

Are All Men Assholes or Just the Ones I Date? (coming soon)


I’m Bi but I married a Man (coming soon)


Am I Failing My Kids? (coming soon)

Love, Sex & Relationships
You, Yourself & No One Else
The Work Grind
Parenting The Next Generation
Is It Really Necessary

This Is Us (Podcast)


I Keep My Sex Life Spicy… even after 12 years of marriage!


How I Lost My Virginity (coming soon)

Are All Men Assholes or Just the Ones I Date? (coming soon)


I’m Bi but I married a Man (coming soon)


Am I Failing My Kids? (coming soon)

Love, Sex & Relationships
You, Yourself & No One Else
The Work Grind
Parenting The Next Generation
Is It Really Necessary

Am I Giving My Kids Too Many or Not Enough Chores?!

Post in progress

Love, Sex & Marriage

How do you keep your relationships going strong? How do you keep the flame alight? Is monogamy even worth it or am I wasting my best years? Is it normal for my husband to want to put it in there?

So many questions, so many different perspectives and possible answers. Love and relationships are complex and difficult, but also exciting and fun. Let us dive down deep within the areas that for far too long have been taboo. Let’s figure out this crazy thing together.

We’ll share our stories with you and possibly have some answers or advice to help you within your own relationships.

It’s important to know yourself. Love yourself. Prioritise yourself.

In this day and age, society has created an unreasonable amount of expectations from people and we often lose ourselves in a sea of self-doubt, intimidation, fear or just downright ignorance.

We’ll help you find your worth.

As we struggle to find the work life balance we are faced with obstacles and a tremendous amount of judgement. It’s tricky waters to navigate and it’s okay to admit that you need a bit of help.

Every generation brings with new obstacles and new parenting styles. This is a good thing. We are evolving and learning and striving to be better than any parents before us. We want to give our children everything and see them grow up to be happy, fulfilled adults.

But are we messing it up?