This Is Us (Podcast)


I Keep My Sex Life Spicy… even after 12 years of marriage!


How I Lost My Virginity (coming soon)

Are All Men Assholes or Just the Ones I Date? (coming soon)


I’m Bi but I married a Man (coming soon)


Am I Failing My Kids? (coming soon)

Love, Sex & Relationships
You, Yourself & No One Else
The Work Grind
Parenting The Next Generation
Is It Really Necessary

This Is Us (Podcast)


I Keep My Sex Life Spicy… even after 12 years of marriage!


How I Lost My Virginity (coming soon)

Are All Men Assholes or Just the Ones I Date? (coming soon)


I’m Bi but I married a Man (coming soon)


Am I Failing My Kids? (coming soon)

Love, Sex & Relationships
You, Yourself & No One Else
The Work Grind
Parenting The Next Generation
Is It Really Necessary